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Last seen: Sep 12, 2018
I had one experience with halo, not to frighten you though lol β i used it for 4 weeks then started to piss blood, i did milk thistle and cranberry ex...
Yep it puts strain on the heart, that said i do quite like it, ok it gives a smooth look, but i love the pumps.
Good luck, i do think G.H may be a bit pointless this early on though, very expensive, although gains are more perminant. If i were you i would just d...
imo i wouldnt taper the sustanon, do 500mg straight through, no need to taper, however probably works for some people π im personally not a fan of tap...
forget the dbol use that for cycle number 2 π up the sust to 500mg, rule of thumb is deca doseages should never be higher than the test, unless you ca...
Havin just competed in a amatuer show myself i think the only reason a bodybuilder cant have sex for upto 2 weeks before the show if coz hes soo pig-s...
indeed you will be happier if you use deca too, but 25lbs is obtainable from a sust dbol cycle if you eat/train right, im sure you would be happy, how...
i agree you can use it throughout, if your lady likes gallons of cum LOL really though, no real need unless you dont like the look of small balls, som...
yeah but also only 5ft4β³ i was 145lbs at 5ft 10β³ when i did my first cycle π lol cant you tell i waited to gain some decent muscle mass before startin...
im sure others will agree, the doseages you are using are a bit low, why shoot 250mg of sust a week, hence shutting down your natural test production,...
If you dont want a long break, then just find out the clearance times of your last drugs, ive just given myself a 4 week break from a sust dbol cycle,...
DONT use Abombs to kick start your FIRST cycle!!! you will gain a shit load of water, some nasty sides, and lose the lot when you come off, use dbol i...
Perhaps some propinate, with deca, and throw in some winstrol tabs, should give you some good gains with minimum water, producing some nice cuts.
Flex, thanks a lot for the response, when this cycle is up, i will do something like u have suggested, more jabs is not a problem, i quite enjoy em π ...