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Eminent Member
Joined: Feb 17, 2017
Last seen: Dec 24, 2018
Topics: 1 / Replies: 21
RE: Winny cycle.. who knows about this?

I’m with cyphon….odd cycle bro. and dont use the Dbol. cardio and diet are the only things that will rip you up. the winny will only help, but wont do...

6 years ago
RE: Clen

I split it up, starting first thing in the morning, but I cant sleep well with clen either, if I take it after, around 7ish or so in the evening. on 2...

6 years ago
RE: A Hand With Cycle #2

I’d maybe run the same cycle, but throw some fina in there and maybe some anavar. just a thought.

6 years ago
RE: Sustanon and D-Bol first cycle & Questions

assuming your boy is over 20 years old, I’d suggest adding in 200mgs deca each week also, in the same rig. with that, he should see the 15 he’s lookin...

6 years ago
RE: New Different Advice? Help

the standard thought is to use clomid at the end of a cycle to jump start your nuts into producing test again, since you are no longer artificially in...

6 years ago
RE: Do I Have To Take a Big Break In Between Cycles?

general rule of thumb is to stay off cycle as long as you were on, in between. since this wasnt a heavy test-based cycle, you could Januarybe cut down...

6 years ago
RE: Nolvadex Or Winny

bigfella hit it. just have nolva around in case you need it. might look into arimidex depending on what’s in your next cycle.

6 years ago
RE: What Exactly Does Clen Do?

there is no magic pill, so your friend is wrong. mostly your metabolism is responsible for how quickly you run thru your food. some people can eat tub...

6 years ago
RE: Please Help With Cycle

ok, that was about fuckin confusing, but I’ll try to answer some of the questions. lol spread your dosages of each different thing out during the day....

6 years ago
RE: First Cycle… Friend Is Being a Dick..

with those stats and 4 years workin out…I’d suggest 250mgs sus and 200mgs deca (same rig) twice weekly, so totaling 500 & 400 a week for 8 weeks. ...

6 years ago
RE: First Cycle… Friend Is Being a Dick..

somethin like that…..hit us with your stats/measurements bro

6 years ago
RE: First Cycle… Friend Is Being a Dick..

the bros have given you some good info. sus/deca/dbol is a great cycle and all oral is not. to answer the question, as far as a single injectable goes...

6 years ago
RE: Winstrol Amps

probably not enough to be worried about. some of us here have gone so far as to squirt a little water in there and drink it up afterwards.

6 years ago
RE: Has This Ever Happened To You

yup….the clear shit was the gear. a couple of things could have happened: shot too fast, werent deep enough, etc. next time, push it in slower (30secs...

6 years ago
RE: First Cycle

druck…..why is it in every thread you’ve posted, you’ve wanted them to email you? this is a public board and (obviously) people post their opinions on...

6 years ago
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