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Last seen: Dec 29, 2018
it gotsta to be the deca. what dose of sust are you going to run and how long will this cycle be? throw out some stats while youre at it bro.
I could have sworn you guys said to lay off the d-bol for my first cycle and my weight was 212 when I started. Oh well. I stand corrected.
thats a good first cycle, I would have said it was too much if you added the D-bol. What kind of training experience are you working with?
you were doing 1000mg of sust a week for your first cycle?
Does anybody know about where the 20mg Dragon Pharma dbols stand as far as the dose? I was thinking about picking some up.
Good one flexin’ I forgot all about ritalin. I used to pop up to 7 of those bad boys before my baseball games, the shit works for concentration and en...
thanks GD, I appreciate it.
so whats the consensus guys? 500 or 750 per week? If I should stick with 500 let me know because I dont want to develop an early affinity for gyno. oh...
so drs, 750mg a week is overkill?
Alright guys I’m just in a bad mood right now and I have to post this or I’ll be even more pissed off all day. Mods, feel free to delete this post at ...
I suppose I didnt make the question clear enough. The question is does anybody have any experience with the “super” oral products. e.g. the 40mg Anava...