Category: Wrestling


Vampiro Interview

I’m not sure how applicable this is to you, but I’m starting everybody off by asking about their Brian...

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Lenny Lane

Lenny Lane Interview

What’s been your experience with Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo so far? I worked for Bischoff for three years....

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Justin Credible

Raven & Justin Credible Interview

Rick Scaia: Alright, since you mentioned it, you go way back with Brian [Pillman], back to your early 90’s...

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Ricky Steamboat

Ricky Steamboat Interview

Ricky “the Dragon” Steamboat — probably my very first favorite wrestler back as I started watching in the mid-80s...

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Terry Funk

Terry Funk Interview

I’ll sum up my trip to the WCW television tapings earlier this week by saying I had a great...

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Is the Game Really Over?

BackLash held many surprises for WWF fans. The return of Debra McMichael started out the evening as she was...

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Rhino Interview

Maybe he was trying to stay in character. Maybe he was having a bad day. Or maybe he just...

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Vic Grimes Interview

Remember that big guy with white braided hair and a white suit who ran in on The Godfather last...

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Jerry Lynn

Jerry Lynn Interview

Jerry Lynn is just returning from an injury that has kept him on the shelf since this winter. Known...

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Eric Bischoff

Eric Bischoff Interview

As WCW’s fortunes declined, did you feel like “I told you so” or was it more heartbreaking since you...

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