Testosterone Cypionate comes in 200 mgs. / cc. In 10 cc vials. This is highly anabolic and androgenic and aromatizes easily like Anadrol. Users of this drug usually get big size & strength gains but these tend to disappear quickly, unless steps are taken by using other products to try and maintain some of the gains.

It is mildly toxic to the liver. At higher doses all of the bad side effects are present such as water retention, baldness, acne, aggressive behavior, etc. Active in your body for about 7 days at a time.
Testosterone Cypionate usual dose is between 200 & 600 mgs a week. Stacked with near enough everything.
Testosterone Cypionate Trade Names
Andro-Cyp-100, Andronaq-LA, D-Tes 100, Dep Andro 200, Depo-Testosterone, Depotest, Depovirin, Depo-Testosterone, Duratest-100, Dura-Testosterone, Man-Agin, Meditest, Pertestist Cypionate, Testa, Testaspan, Testergon, Testodrin, Testoject-100 LA, Testo LA, Testred Cypionate 200, Virilon IM, Testoxyl Cypionate, Cypionat.