Well, months back I explained my disdain for the new British Dragon and how I fully believe it will not stand up to the original.
I was contacted by one of my advertiser”s World-Pharm, and they said they will be carrying this . So I explained this changes NOTHING!!!! But they are very excited about the product they are going to carry , so they said that I will be the first to get samples when they get it in. They are so behind this new product, they are willing to do so knowing a few things:
1. I LOVED the original BD.
2. The original BD was overdosed and probably the best UG Lab ever.
3. If I don’t feel it is up to the original or even close , I will trash it and let everyone know that the label was taken for no other reason then to steal business behind a label that earned the respect of almost all.
So I applaud their confidence, and will accept the challenge.
They did the same when I first met them . They offered up some Kalpa Pharmaceuticals products, and I made the same deal.
If it was good I would pass on the word , if it was bad I would do so, more than if it was good, and they passed.
I also realize that WP has taken a beaten lately as far as their rep. Now I do understand most do not like how they advertise, or how random people start spamming about them, I don’t either, but as far as the quality of Kalpa Pharmaceuticals products , they are some of the highest quality gear I have used since BD went out of business.
At the end of the day, they send what you order and all the gear is legit.
There are many sources can not same the same but run free without anyone holding them responsible.
As for the future of British Dragon, my thoughts are they cannot live up to the legend of the first , and even if the product is close in quality, they will have a long time to go to get where BD left off. As a fair man, I will give them a chance, and I will grade them fairly.
What I won’t do is hand over the crown until it is earned, and that is a promise.
Please feel free to contact me with any comments or questions at [email protected] , and thank you for reading.