In order to lose weight and reveal lean muscle tissue in the body, the metabolism has great importance. When the body is starved of breakfast, for instance, the body believes it is starved of food, and this slows down the metabolism. As soon as food is consumed, dietary thermogenesis take effect, but if too much food is eaten, this can show up as weight gain.
Eating regularly helps to increase the metabolism on a daily basis and takes advantage of thermogenesis, which comes into effect whenever food is eaten. Calories are burnt to digest food and absorb vitamins and minerals. Try to eat six times a day or every two or three hours. Multiple the daily calories by six and keep to that. Snacks like fruit are very low in calories and contain fibre, which satisfies the hunger.
The most important way to keep the body at fat burning level all day every day is to make sure your metabolism is consistently high. Firstly, it is important to understand how the body burns calories.
Dietary Thermogenesis
When the body takes in calories from food, dietary thermogenesis starts to take place in the body to digest the food and absorb vitamins and minerals. In total, dietary thermogenesis uses up 10% of the total daily calories burned. If you want to burn more calories in this way, eat regularly, up to five or six times a day with mini meals to stoke the metabolism.
All activities performed during the day, whether it’s housework, gardening, jogging, walking, even the most smallest of activities, like brushing the teeth or making tea, account for around 30% of the daily calories burned per day. The more activity performed, the higher the calorie burn.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
You will more than likely have heard of the basal metabolic rate each of us has. These are the calories required by the body daily just to stay alive. In total, the basal metabolic rate burns up to 60% of daily calories.
Ways to boost the metabolism naturally
Consume spicy foods
Spicy foods that contain capsicum, contained in the chilli pepper are a useful way to boost the metabolism by around 50% after a meal. Additionally, the metabolism will remain high for several hours afterward.
Add lean muscle tissue
Resistance or anaerobic exercise will help to raise the metabolism naturally because these exercises add lean muscle tissue to the body. The more muscle in the body, the higher the metabolism. This is why athletes are able to eat a much higher calorific diet than non-athletes. They need the extra calories to sustain the muscle tissue and, through the intensive activity performed, burn off the calories consumed. Research compiled has stated that regular anaerobic exercise, such as bicep curls, squats, and press-ups can help to increase metabolism by 15%. With resistance exercise, it is important to eat a consistent amount of protein, which fuels the extra muscle tissue. To add muscle tissue, eat around 1.5 – 1.7 kg of protein per kilo of bodyweight. Great sources of protein are eggs, chicken, fish, beans, and turkey. Carbohydrates are also important and necessary to consume in order to build lean muscle tissue in the body, and around 60% of carbohydrates should be consumed through the daily diet. They give energy to the body and are stored as glycogen in protein rich muscles. During resistance training, the glycogen in the muscle is utilised, and if a low amount of carbohydrate is available, the body starts to break down essential muscle tissue.
Eat regularly
This heightens the metabolic rate on a daily basis. When food is consumed, dietary thermogenesis takes effect and absorbs nutrients from food. Take advantage of this by eating regularly.
By move, I mean any type of activity, whether it is tapping the feet, clenching the muscles, or talking to people while stood up. This can mount up to around 800 extra calories burnt per day.